Have you ever noticed how your focus or intensity in training tails off when you donā€™t have a race booked in? Or maybe you had a race booked but you were just running it for fun and so you didnā€™t really take training very seriously?

Now I am all for enjoying running. Absolutely. If you donā€™t ever enjoy it then there better be another darn good reason for doing it! And you should definitely have some easy weeks built into your training to avoid burnout.

But Iā€™m also a believer that you need to keep the horizon in your eye-line. You need to know and be thinking of the next big thing for your running. You need a goal that is going to keep you focused and motivated to maintain your fitness.

It could be a special race, a charity event, a faster time, a new distance, terrain or country. It might not have to be a race at all but it has to be something that is big enough for you to have a plan towards.

Planning out at least 6 months in advance keeps you focused on what you need to do to achieve your next target. It will prevent you going onto autopilot and potentially undoing the good work youā€™ve done up to this point.

Sign up to something today if you havenā€™t got anything planned. Tell your friends and family to make you accountable and start planning towards your next big goal.